Keeping the Species Alive

Don’t you just love this doughty cactus, intent on moving forward, keeping the family gene pool alive, putting roots down in an exposed gutter in Downtown Valencia?

For Becky’s #SquaresRenew

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

37 thoughts on “Keeping the Species Alive”

  1. oh Margaret, you should have seen the gutter-botanical garden of our house in France, when we bought it…. one lonely cactus is NOTHING in comparison…. but yes, of course, you‘re right – nature MUST be preserved!
    We had to re-do the whole roof, found, instead of the wooden bearing posts a (too) short metal bar holding up the roof, new (non-existent before) insulation, new gutters of course and the installation of ‚down-pipes‘ (don‘t know the name) to have the rainwater not washing down the walls of the house and filling up the cellars – so, tbh, preserving the nature growing up there wasn‘t on our priority list! 😉


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