Butterflies III: Half an Hour of My Life revisited

It’s time for Flashback Friday again, and as butterflies have so far been in fairly short supply this year, I thought I’d return to a happy moment in France, in August 2013, when we had friends from England to stay …

Butterflies III: Half an Hour of My Life

There we were at Roquefixade, showing our favourite walking destination off to two of our Harrogate friends, when a butterfly discovered me.  Then another.  These two creatures played round my wrist for more than half an hour before finally dancing off into the sunshine.  They made our day.

I’m thinking they’re the Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus).  Any dissenters?

And if you’re wondering why this post is called Butterflies III, here’s why …

In the same month, I wrote about a Butterfly Bonanza, and at the end of July, about the rare Mountain Apollo

For Fandango’s Flashback Friday

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

45 thoughts on “Butterflies III: Half an Hour of My Life revisited”

  1. Ha we were just talking about this yesterday, Phil and I are up in North Berwick and there was a blue butterfly around!

    Sent from my iPad

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I need to see butterflies with their wings spread to form a positive ID, but common blue looks likely. I wonder what attracted them to your wrist? Perfume? I recall a red admiral liking my toe last year, can’t see the attraction myself 🤣

    Liked by 3 people

  3. When this happened to me at Iguacu I was thrilled and my husband put out that they were ignoring him. Then someone told us they were attracted to the salt in our sweat and he was immediately reconciled to not having them as it proved he wasn’t as smelly as I am 🤣🤣 But I’d still rather have them land on me than not! I can’t believe they stayed with you for 30 minutes!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nice…. you must be really sweet. Do I recall you were at Fountains Abbey recently counting butterflies recently? I love the creature who make our world work and give us something to watch and wonder. Happy Friday.


    1. Ha! I’ve just come back from Fountains, having done the weekly butterfly count. This hot weather, so very humid, whilst also being very dry, meaning all plants are suffering clearly doesn’t suite them. The numbers were well down. Interesting, if not cheerful stuff. Happy Saturday!


  5. What a wonderful experience. I recall encounters with butterflies, where I struggled to get close enough to take a photo. Clearly, I don’t have your butterfly whispering skills 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. How adorable is this. Such frail creatures gifted you a lovely half hour that has lived and entertained lively conversations like this one. What joy. Thanks for sharing. Xo

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Aren’t they the most wonderful creatures? Margaret, I have problems with my emails so though I’ve sent you 2, I don’t seem able to receive any. I thought WordPress were bad enough but Microsoft definitely aren’t my friend. Can you answer me on here please or to mike.bradleygd@outlook.com. I can WhatsApp if I have your phone number. I’m not expecting to meet as I realise you’re in London. Sorry! 😟💗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m having problems with email too. I have sent you two but am fairly sure you haven’t received these. But the bottom line is that, yes, I’m in London, so we’ll miss each other. What a shame. Must sort out being incommunicado though. My husband and I can’t exchange mail, and we’re both on Gmail!


      1. He’s still in Yorkshire? It’s a very topsy-turvy life here this year, just trying to help them sort the house. Next year will be very different. A wedding, but before that possibly a Welsh Christmas. Not quite so easy 🤣💕 Thanks for responding on here. We’ll get it sorted. Enjoy your week!


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