A new angle on a ferry trip

Coming back on the overnight ferry from Rotterdam to Hull last week, I had a lot of fun playing with my camera.  Most shots celebrated the sea, the shipping, the grungy industrial shore side, and I’ll share some of those soon.

But as the sun was setting, my eye was caught by these passengers on the decks above.  They didn’t know it, but I thought they made quite fine silhouettes set against the angled railings of the deck.

My response to today’s Ragtag Challenge: Angle.

Click on any image to view full size.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

14 thoughts on “A new angle on a ferry trip”

  1. You were right about the fine silhouettes – so pleasing. And I agree with KerryCan’s observation that the windmill’s arms/sails direct the eye back to the centre of the frame. Lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think this is a fine example of when colour photography is actually better than the so often preferred ‘fine art’ black and white. The strong contrast of the silhouettes against the diaphanous drifting clouds and the pale blues of the sky and decking metalwork, is much more dramatic.


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