The Deer of Studley Royal

‘That woman. Seen her before. One of those volunteer Roaming Rangers isn’t she? I think she’s harmless.’

Sika hinds

‘I’m not sure. I’m off …’

Sika hinds with just one young stag.

‘That one’s a scaredy-cat. Who’ll be back. We’ll just wait here and see what happens…’

‘There. Told you she means no harm. She’s off to see the red deer now…’

Wandering red deer hinds …

Just one calf …

Young stags – no chance of breeding this year …

Ah, those antlers are more like it. Best rest now while they can … They’ll be battling it out in the rutting season.

And just to finish off, here are two classic portraits of stags, for Leanne’s Monochrome Madness. The first is a young sika…

… the next a mature red deer.