The Deer of Studley Royal

‘That woman. Seen her before. One of those volunteer Roaming Rangers isn’t she? I think she’s harmless.’

Sika hinds

‘I’m not sure. I’m off …’

Sika hinds with just one young stag.

‘That one’s a scaredy-cat. Who’ll be back. We’ll just wait here and see what happens…’

‘There. Told you she means no harm. She’s off to see the red deer now…’

Wandering red deer hinds …

Just one calf …

Young stags – no chance of breeding this year …

Ah, those antlers are more like it. Best rest now while they can … They’ll be battling it out in the rutting season.

And just to finish off, here are two classic portraits of stags, for Leanne’s Monochrome Madness. The first is a young sika…

… the next a mature red deer.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

64 thoughts on “The Deer of Studley Royal”

  1. Lovely shots, Margaret. Hard to avoid the word cute when looking at that calf. I remember hearing rutting stags in the New Forest. We were curious to investigate but we decided best to steer clear. I imagine it’s quite a sight.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are over 300, and 3 different varieties. I usually walk about 7 miles in a shift, so get to see most of their favourite haunts. I don’t get too close though. These are heavily zoomed in on.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is beyond my comprehension. The same algorithms are used for my comments to you as are used for those to all other sites. Perhaps I used contentious language at some stage!


    1. Don’t worry about that Joyce. Comments seem to have a life of their own on WordPress. But this came through loud and clear! Hope all is well with you – our paths don’t seem to be crossing much at the moment.


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