The Gegants are Coming!

Gegants – huge human-type figures propelled by actual humans hidden within them – have been a feature of Catalan festive life since the 15th century. Then, they were part of a religious tradition. From the 19th century, they became more and more a celebration of the lives of the community they sprang from. So here in Premià de Mar – Premià-on-Sea – they represent piratical derring-do.

And the Gegants came out to play today as part of a low-key local folk festival, Rebombori. They took over the streets of the town, as did cohorts of child drummers, child dancers, child comperes and slightly disconcerting child Gegants.  And we the townsfolk followed wherever they led, coming across more and more friends as the morning turned into afternoon: an excellent time was had by all.

These were all taken on my phone, and better shots are – I hope – to be found on my camera. But phone-posting is my lot at the moment, so … make do with these please, for now.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

51 thoughts on “The Gegants are Coming!”

      1. And at this rate he’ll be talking about it for months. I was supposed to be going to the Farne Islands today. Looking at the British forecast, the trip will be cancelled anyway.


      1. they are brilliant – saw three different punk groups a few weeks ago at a Green man festival. I must do a post on them all one day soon

        Liked by 3 people

  1. I have never heard of Gegants before. WONDERFUL photos, Margaret. I had to find out more and have discovered that have been recognized as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Many, many thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

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