Sides to Middle

Only older readers will know what I’m talking about. The Good Old Days when worn sheets were not discarded, but cut down the middle, flipped round so the edges became the centre to be joined together, and the middles re-hemmed as edges. Reader, we still have such a sheet. Pink flannelette, and doing duty as a protective under- sheet. It was already old, already sides-to-middled when I was a small child. I reckon it’s at least 100 years old.

But I’m that make-do-and-mend generation. Only the other month, my husband asked whether we could find a seamstress in town who could turn the collar on a favourite shirt so he could get some more wear out of it. I drew the line at that one. I reckoned it would cost far more than a new shirt.

What about you? Do you make-do-and-mend? Do you buy soap ahead of needing it, so it can dry out in the airing cupboard and therefore last longer? Or maybe you have other strategies that make any Generation-Whatevers roll their eyes heavenwards. Please own up in the comments.