Monday Window visits Caldes d’Estrac

I first took you to Caldes d’Estrac back in November, when I showed you a very fine door. Now I want to show you a very fine window, from the same corner of town.

This is by way of being a preview to my next post, when I’ll be telling you why you should consider putting this little town on your visiting list if you have time during a break in Barcelona. To be continued …

For Ludwig’s Monday Window, after a very long time-out.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

23 thoughts on “Monday Window visits Caldes d’Estrac”

      1. Hi Margaret. Not sure what the link problem is. Normally when right-clicking an image there is an option to save the link to the image. It is not there on this post. Not a serious thing.
        As to the second photo being a little dark – not serious either. Note that the wall in your first photo is white, it looks much grayer in the photo of just the window. That comes from the camera being a bit overwhelmed by the white wall. As I said not serious, just something us techies notice.
        Keep it up and don’t let me keep you from enjoying what you do.


  1. You take us to the most amazing places, Margaret. I have placed Caldes d’Estrac on my to visit places. I understand is was a fashionable spa town for the Barcelona bourgeoisie between 1875 – 1920. So much history in every step taken.


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