Thursday Doors visits Caldes d’Estrac

I had only one reason to visit Caldes d’Estrac. Not because back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was noted for its thermal baths. Those glory days are largely gone: and in any case I live near the spa town of Harrogate. I went because of its art gallery, Fundacio Palau Fabre, largely dedicated to Picasso. More about that another day.

This is a small town with big hills. I toiled up, then skittered down slope after slope as I explored. But it had doors to pause by. Most of my shots are in my camera, and not to be seen till I go home. (Tomorrow. How shall I survive? It’s 14 whole degrees colder back in England) So here’s just one that took my fancy.

This is my first offering to Dan’s Thursday Doors for a very long time. But I thought this distressed door deserved its fifteen minutes of fame. Or 5 anyway.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

34 thoughts on “Thursday Doors visits Caldes d’Estrac”

  1. A wonderful post for “Doors” Margaret!! Doors are my go-to symbol for transitions, opportunities, and boundaries. For me, doors represent the passage from one space to another, both physically and metaphorically.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It may once have been. These days, too many older buildings have been pulled down to make way for apartment blocks, and just above the town a new highway has been built. I was a little disappointed.

      Liked by 1 person

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