What’s in the Frame?

This week, for the Lens Artists Challenge, Amy asks us to consider ways of framing our shots. So my featured photo doesn’t do that. The frame shown here, at Brimham Rocks IS the subject of the shot.

Sometimes, the photographer finds a frame has been fortuitously laid on. Here we are on the Regents Canal in London, in maritime Barcelona and at Harlow Carr Gardens in Harrogate.

A band plays on the floating bookshop, Word on the Water, on the Regent’s Canal, London

Sometimes a window – an actual window, or a suitably-shaped hole-in-the-wall provides that frame. Here’s the South Bank in London, a shot taken while sailing to Bilbao, another view at Harlow Carr, and a convenient window overlooking the River Thames near Blackfriar’s Bridge.

In her post about framing, Sarah of Travel with Me fame took us to Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal. We’ll go there too, but wander through the wooded area of the High Ride, and into the parkland of Studley Royal, allowing the trees themselves to frame the picture.

Fountains Abbey in autumn.

And lastly, another view which didn’t work as well as I hoped, through a chink in a drystone wall in the Yorkshire Dales.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

49 thoughts on “What’s in the Frame?”

  1. They’re always fun to capture, aren’t they? I love through the wall and window shots. I don’t remember seeing Sarah’s. 🤔💙
    Currently sitting in a nail parlour, never having had my nails done in my life! Tore thumb nail really badly and it’s a mess 😫. Much worse, the bar and wine suppliers have gone into liquidation, keeping £2000 of the kid’s money. Fortunately Mam and Dad have money in the bank because they have worked and saved so hard for this and now they’re skint 🤔💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Jo. How upsetting and what a worry. I hope it doesn’t put a blight on the day too much. I too am a nail bar virgin. I’ll be interested in your experience. Might make an amusing blog post and different from your usual! Try to keep smiling in trying circumstances.


      1. We’re fine! 3 new nails cost me £9. I’m singing and dancing. If we didn’t have money in the bank it would be tragic, Margaret, but we can cover the cost. Thanks, darlin!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful framing selections, Margaret! The opening image says it all. I enjoyed the views from your sailing window overlooking the River Thames. I love these photos framed by trees, the fall colors are just breathtaking. Fabulous shot through a chink in a drystone wall, great observation. Thank you for sharing with us. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I recognised that opener immediately – we had a coffee at the cafe right next to that frame! As to the rest, I especially like the Bilbao ferry shot and the lovely autumn trees framing Studley Royal and Fountains Abbey – and thanks for linking to my post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That Fountains Abbey with the autumn trees is a favourite with me too, and I had fun with quite a few shots in that idiom on the way to Bilbao. The glass between me and them meant I gave myself permission to snap away at unsuspecting people!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Round windows / openings do make wonderful frames and nothing wrong with an actual frame being the subject – I recall one on St Michael’s Mount which was made of succulents. And I like the chink idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I like them all, Margaret. A good variety and well captured. I know what you mean about the chink, it’s the feeling that it could have been a nicer view on the other side. But i love such photos. I think you did exceptionally well with the round ones. I have tried, but somehow they never turn out that well.


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