Keep your distance: cactus alert!

This week, Denzil’s Nature Photo Challenge #18 invites us to look at cacti. Well, apart from this one, taken in Kew Gardens, London, I have nothing to offer from England.

In Spain however, they are two a penny. Here are two from ordinary back gardens in daughter Emily’s home town near Barcelona.

And here, more spectacularly, are a few taken in Jardín Botánico Histórico – La Concepción, Málaga. That’s where the header photo comes from too.

They’re striking things of course, cacti. But I tend to keep a very respectful distance from them. I’m quite relieved to have as the backdrop to my walks cowparsley, daisies and dandelions.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

48 thoughts on “Keep your distance: cactus alert!”

  1. I was never very sold on them, Margaret, but in cactus gardens and plant fairs you do find some rather lovely ones. I like the small, flowering variety best, but I’m not averse to prickly pears and the like. Beggars and choosers coming to mind.

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  2. Well, I am of a like mind to you, so no need to whisper. The Malaga garden looks to have some interesting specimens, and I visited one in Lanzarote that was rather good

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  3. I am not a fan either, but did once have one of those old man’s beard which got very dusty. The best I’ve seen outdoors have been in San Diego and Sydney. I might get a post done if I’m quick.

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  4. We have cacti in the western US, in the desert area…but I’ve also seen certain kinds used as landscape in Alabama in the south of the US. I don’t think they’re native there, but it’s warm enough for them to survive there. I would like to get out west again sometime soon and do some exploring and photography, maybe with some cacti in the images!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I know what you mean about keeping your distance! That opening shot is great, a whole hillside of cacti! And Kew is indeed always a good source of cactus photos in this country 🙂

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  6. I quite like cacti, they are an illustration of how nature can find come up with species to cope in any kind of climate. And in your header photo, they almost look like sculptures!

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  7. Great collection, Margaret! I loved the garden in Kew – but your other finds are not bad at all! I only have a few cacti, but find them very interesting plants.


  8. Lovely! I too have many photos from the Jardín Botánico Histórico – La Concepción in Málaga. I absolutely loved that garden!

    We did too. The collection looked so at home here, didn’t it?

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