I Corrected the Angle …

… but preferred it before.

The baker of choice for my daughter and family in Premià de Mar, Catalonia.

For Debbie at Travel with Intent’s One Word Sunday.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

24 thoughts on “I Corrected the Angle …”

  1. Like others Brian’s comment drew my attention to the nose which I’d not noticed until then. Candidly the differences are so small I love them both. I wouldn’t have noticed that the first is offline due to the window seam until I saw it corrected. Artist’s choice Margaret! Both versions tell a story.


  2. I do that often – and even more often I then regret it, later on. I see exactly what you mean. Those beautiful breads…. who the heck cares if the house leans in? 😉

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