11 thoughts on “Sprung Spring”

    1. Thank you. We spent it in France. Easter Saturday FREEZING, but by Monday it was sun-bronzingly gorgeous. Hope you had a good time.


  1. Really pretty! This as close to spring as I’ve been–we got accumulating snow yesterday. The hellebores are gorgeous (those are hellebores, right?)


  2. Lovely – we were away from a week on holiday and arrived to all sorts of signs of spring – the grass is greener and there are green shoots poking through the ground. Lovely greeting! Happy spring – He is risen!


    1. Ah, my late reply is because we have only just returned from our travels. It’s good to travel…but it’s good to be back too – non?


  3. Hellebores seem to have been particularly good this year, also Camelias. Once the daffs are in full swing the year always seems to gather pace no leave me behind.


    1. So many plants already this year seem to have given of their best. I’m glad the daffs are still in bloom as we return from almost daffodil-less France.


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