Last photo in October

My last photo in October should have been the moon – a full moon, a ‘blue moon‘ even, because it was the second one in the month, and the sky was gloriously cloudless. But I had neither phone nor camera with me.

Instead, I took my last shot the day before – and it’s not even a still photo. It’s a video of the River Ure surging, swelling, sweeping all before it near our house. It’s my first entry to Brian – Bushboy -‘s challenge, which you can read about here.

Last Photo for October: Bushboys World

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

27 thoughts on “Last photo in October”

  1. I was so hoping to see the Blue moon but it was totally cloudy here. I’ve got a thing about the moon probably because I’m far more aware of it in Bournemouth where the flat is. And I hate the idea of people being based there! All romanticism I’m sure but then it seems so fundamental to our evolution . Well that’s Monday’s thought for the day now back to Boris and his bodges… take care xx

    Sent from my iPhone

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A shame about the clouds. We’d had a pretty horrid day, but the sky cleared. Yes, I agree with your lunar thoughts. And your views on Johnson. I won’t call him Boris. First names are for friends. xx


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