The Devil is Not Kind

Blackberries this year have been wonderful. From early August until a few days ago, I’d come home from every country walk with stained lips and fingers, and a bag full of purple fruits. But it’s all over now, because on 29th September, Michaelmas Day, the Devil came along, as he does every year, and spat on every remaining berry. If you favour the old Church calendar, you’ve got till 10th October, but whichever one you follow, blackberrying’s pretty much over for another year. The Devil is not kind.

#Kinda Square

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

39 thoughts on “The Devil is Not Kind”

      1. Yes, I nearly linked to an American history site that was interesting too, but understandably followed a slightly different route. American blackberries can be peed on by the devil apparently.

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  1. I didn’t know that tale either, but I leave blackberries for the birds. I even have a thornless one, does the devil spit on those too? 🙄 Time to cut them down I guess.

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  2. I was wondering if the idea came about to leave the last ones for the birds and squirrels, if they eat them. Some cultures tell you never to pick the last ones or more than you need.

    Many, many congratulations on your block post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t think kindness came into it. They really don’t seem to taste nice once the first cold snap arrives. My block post is as simple as it gets. One piece of text, one photo. A gallery would be well beyond my pay-grade.


  3. Fascinating. I have never heard of this before. But then we don’t have blackberries growing wild, more’s the pity. I would stuff myself with every living one before and after Michaelmas day.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great story… but you have to leave some for the birds. Went for a walk today and would have loved to see come blackberries. Have a wonderful week and stay well. Peace.


    1. Don’t worry. The most eager of blackberry pickers can’t reach more than a few of the berries available usually. You have a good week too!


  5. Our blackberries finished well over a month ago here….the season seemed to be very short-lived this year and the fruits were rather small…possibly due to the excessive dry summer and the heat. Obviously the Devil started spitting before the fruits could establish themselves!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Down in the south of France, blackberries were barely worth picking. They didn’t get the dose of cold rainy weather they require to become nice and juicy. So we had to eat ripe peaches instead …


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