Wood Warms You Thrice….

.. when you cut it, when you split it, and when you burn it.

So goes the old saying.  Well, wood warms us thrice too.  We don’t fell trees and we don’t split logs.  But we do burn wood, in our wood-burning stove.  And before that, we forage in the woods nearby to supplement the wood we buy for the winter months.

This was the week when we bought, sorted and stacked the trailer load we’d ordered.  It burns calories alright.  From our point of view, it’s worth more than any gym membership.  And eeh by gum we feel right proud when all is safely gathered in.

Square perspectives

And thank you, Becky, for the idea, when I was running out of Squares Steam.  Can’t stop now …

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

33 thoughts on “Wood Warms You Thrice….”

  1. I agree, much more satisfying being outdoors than a gym. We haven’t owned a fireplace for years. Must admit I don’t miss all the mess though what is lovely is the atmosphere it creates.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Luckily a wood-burner isn’t as messy as an open fire. But I’m prepared for a bit of mess in exchange for the flickering firelight.


  2. Oh the thought of a roaring fire is just too much to think of at the moment! 38c today and a relentless sun sapping every drop of energy. Thankfully my wood was all cut and stacked last year and I think I am all set for 2 winters (depending how harsh this one ends up being)! You certainly get a very good workout stacking wood, and free membership of the outdoor gym!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Most satisfyingly and artistically stacked. I write this while seated in front of our cheerfully flaming small wood burning stove. It brings great comfort in addition to the warmth.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I heard about the extreme heat in the UK, We also had 30 degrees this week even though it is supposed to be winter, but back to cooler today with a max of 14 and down to 3 tonight, so the fire is back in use. Yes there is something satisfying about stacking wood – it is a challenge to make it balance neatly, the wood will make winter more tolerable, the stack is aesthetically pleasing, and the process makes one feel somehow virtuous too!

        Liked by 1 person

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