May is blue, white …. and yellow…..

Bluebell woods at Rpley.

May is blue and white.  May is the month when bluebells thrust their heads above the leaf mould of an English woodland and carpet it with a hazy sea of blue.  It’s when forget-me-nots flower in every vacant spot of earth, and wriggle through the cracks in paving stones. It’s when bluish-purple wisteria scrambles across old brickwork, gently waving its blooms in the light spring breeze. It’s when the  sky is often reliably and cloudlessly blue on a sunny afternoon.

May is hawthorn time.  May is lilac time.  May sees late-flowering wild garlic give place to bluebells .  Daisies take over.    White petals from pear, apple and cherry trees swirl gently to the ground.  And white woolly lambs play king-of-the-castle and run races in the fields.  Round here, sheep-identification markings are blue.

There’s plenty of space for yellow too.  Anyone spotted any dandelions?

A field near Pateley Bridge.

This is my response to today’s Ragtag Challenge: May.

Click on any image to view it full size.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

25 thoughts on “May is blue, white …. and yellow…..”

    1. Erm. Don’t bother. It was 3 degrees this morning. And I discovered from another blog that today is World Naked Gardening Day. NOT A CHANCE.


  1. For me blue white and yellow are the main colours at the count where the Whites (Independents) wiped out the blues in our largest town. The yellows more than doubled their numbers and the formerly blue council is now NOC!! We are now off to walk our stir crazy white dogs by the hopefully blue sea.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YESSSSS!! We had no elections here (unlike Boris, we knew this) but neighbouring Craven tells a similar story to you. We’re off to hand out European flags today as the Tour de Yorkshire passes through nearby villages. On Friday, hundreds and hundreds were handed out in Harrogate and made a showing on TV (we weren’t there). Roll on May 23rd. We have an excellent Labour MEP in Richard Corbett – you’d be a fan too, I’m sure, so I’m sad not to vote for him. But with the d’Hondt system, we can’t send an accolade to the Labour party generally. No chance.


      1. We’re off to A-V on Thursday for a spot of RnR (booked before the cataclysm) but we’ll be back just in time to vote. We have the only LD MEP in the country so hopefully she’ll be back and joined by many more.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I was thinking about a post such as this just yesterday, except that my colours were slightly different. I currently have a great stack of posts piled up in my head but maybe I’ll get this one out first 🙂 May is one of my favourite months – though I’m not fond of the touch of frost here last night. And neither were the geraniums which I forgot to bring indoors… 😕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oops. Sorry about the geraniums. Will they be OK? It’s a bit nippy, isn’t it? I bet your colours include green…and maybe pink. I await your post eagerly, and I’m so pleased you seem to have found your mojo again.

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  3. Gorgeous photos Margaret, and so festive. What a gorgeous spring. Love the colours. Funny you should mention the colour blue to me in my recent post. I’d guess the blue in your pics is true too? Sorry about the 3 degrees! Hope it warms up a bit soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s not bad actually. The blue, not the temperatures. We’re having our coldest May Bank Holiday in a very long time today. Poor early bird migrants. Their insects must be in short supply.

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  4. England in Spring! Yes, very missable 😦 You do it poetic justice, Margaret 🙂 🙂 I’m wondering how our old garden is faring in the hands of a 21 year old (and his Dad 🙂 )

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