Ragtag Saturday: Three Kings visit Barcelona

Today is the day when the Three Kings – the same ones who visited the infant Jesus – begin their journey to visit all children in the Spanish speaking world to deliver presents to them. We watched the Carnival parade they brought with them as they passed through Barcelona earlier this evening. Dancing, singing, exhuberant and imaginative displays had us enthralled for an hour or more. It was never like this in biblical times, I’m sure.

Ragtag Prompt: Three. https://wp.me/p9YcOU-lb

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

14 thoughts on “Ragtag Saturday: Three Kings visit Barcelona”

  1. I love Epiphany, almost as much as Christmas. It reminds me that we all seek truth and light. We all want the answers to all our questions. We are all searching, just as the Magi did so very long ago.

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