Ragtag Tuesday

When the WordPress Daily Prompts and Photo Challenges unexpectedly and abruptly stopped, many bloggers felt deprived.  Some already had prompting challenges of their own: but a group of disheartened bloggers somehow connected together and set about replicating the WordPress prompts under the banner Ragtag Daily Prompt.  They began on 1st June.

However, they had a couple of vacancies.  They advertised.  I applied.  They offered me the Tuesday spot.  You can find my first post here today.

Here’s the story of how bloggers from four continents formed a community which writers, photographers, poets are joining by contributing their work.  Daily blogging ain’t for me.  But I do love a weekly prompt, and connecting  with others from all points of the compass.  Thanks to all you fellow-bloggers whom I’ve come to know in the last few years: it’s been enriching.

Today, I’m not offering much.  I’m simply showing you three photos, all illustrating the first word I’ve chosen: ‘serried‘.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

23 thoughts on “Ragtag Tuesday”

  1. How apposite. I am at the Local Government Association conference sitting among serried ranks of men in grey suits of another political persuasion! I am now listening to a session about women in politics and almost calming down after hearing the Under Secretary of State for Leaving the EU telling us how well it’s all going and how much better it will be after next March plus why we don’t need another vote because “the people have spoken”!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, that would be the people who couldn’t know how completely useless this government would be at hatching a good deal, or indeed any deal. Did he explain how it’s going to be better after next March, because I have neither read nor heard a single thing that persuades me? Grrrrr. You must need TLC in spades after that lot!


      1. It was a she who was complacent beyond words. I’m now feeling much better after a restorative cuppa and a nice walk in the sunshine along the towpath to my hotel. When we lived here in Birmingham as students the canal area was a post industrial scruffy mess but now it’s very appealing.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the theme of your photos. Though I know many were sad to lose WP’s weekly photo challenge, it’s resulted in such a wonderful growth of smaller groups taking up that challenge. Very heartening to see and I look forward to enjoying the Ragtag group’s photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I do love the serried rows of vines. So accurate, but have never considered them as such before. Is that a commonly held expression for winemakers? Henceforth they will always be known to me as serried. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It has surprised me how many people feel the need to replace the weekly challenge, but it’s a great thing how willing they are to work together and learn from each other.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hadn’t expected to miss the challenges, as a late adopter. I think though that what I appreciate is the chance to connect with other bloggers posting interesting stuff. Like you!


  5. Fabulous. I miss the Daily Prompt and the Weekly Photo Challenge, too. I’ve subscribed. And thank you for increasing my vocabulary… a new word has been added serried. Have a wonderful week and weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! I seem to have taught a few people ‘serried’. I don’t know why, but it’s a word I seem to have known for a long time. I don’t use it much though …..


  6. An interesting word, Margaret and some excellent photos. I’ve known ‘serried’ for a long time too, but goodness only knows when I learnt it!


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