Snapshot Saturday: Walking and vertical

We found ourselves tussling with the fag-end of Storm Hector on Thursday, as it exhausted itself gusting round the neighbourhood.  It closed the market early as stallholders gave up the battle to keep their goods and stands in one place, and dumped leafy branches in the path of unwary motorists.

It reminded me of a more than breezy walk last February.  Look!  Here are the grasses edging the wetlands at Staveley Nature Reserve.

But some of us, and some plants, are made of tougher stuff.  Perhaps we knew that there might be a starring role in Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge:  columns and vertical lines.

Here’s a telegraph pole, a battered shed door on a local farm and – it is  a nature reserve after all – grasses and bullrushes standing (nearly) to attention.

In the absence of the popular WordPress Challenges, Cee Neuner has generously offered to compile and maintain lists of challenges and the bloggers who host them.  You can find them here.

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

24 thoughts on “Snapshot Saturday: Walking and vertical”

  1. I love windy days, as long as large pieces of trees don’t come crashing down. Your photos are great for expressing the challenge. Like susurrus, my fave is the shed door–there’s a lot going on in that one and the textures are amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Super collection, Margaret. You’ve really captured the essence of the place on a grey windy day – and more than fulfilled the brief to boot! Love that door!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Glorious photos and views. Thanks for sharing them. My garden took an awful bashing in the storm. The lawn was strewn with rose petals from the rambling roses. Tree leaves torn and sprinkled over the plot.

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  4. Poor you! Despite tree branches falling, I don’t think too much untoward happened here. Certainly our garden is reasonably sheltered so a few fallen petals was as bad as it got. I hope your garden bounces back.


  5. I like your challenge photographs particularly the contrast between the grasses and the telegraph pole. I dislike strong wind, it makes me very nervous. For some, probably geographical, reason they are few and far between here for which I’m grateful. We have river mist and thunderstorms instead!


  6. I set out for my daughter’s in Nottingham on Thursday morning and I was bent double in the wind. Fortunately it had eased by the time I got there. 🙂 🙂

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