Snapshot Sunday: Solitude with a few fish

Ten thirty on a damp Wednesday morning.  The Horniman Museum was just opening its doors as William and I arrived, and we stomped downstairs to the aquarium.

We were the first arrivals.  Here’s William, wholly absorbed in fish, frog and butterfly hunting.  This peaceful moment didn’t last long.  Within minutes one, two, then three parties of Reception age school children stormed noisily in.  The fish continued their solitary swishing round their watery home.


This post responds to this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge: Solitude

Author: margaret21

I'm retired and live in North Yorkshire, where I walk , write, volunteer and travel as often as I can.

18 thoughts on “Snapshot Sunday: Solitude with a few fish”

  1. Your photograph could be the front cover for Montessori’s ‘The Absorbent Mind’ – photographic evidence of her acute observations. And, of course, get well soon.

    Liked by 1 person

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